Wednesday, 18 March 2015

WOYWW 302 - I'm back again!

Hello WOYWW deskers...I'm back again.... Thanks for sticking by me. You never know from one day to the next what you're going to get on dialysis. At least with Chemotherapy/Radiotherapy there's an end date, with this there isn't. So before I forget, here's the special card I made at Christmas for the Dialysis Nurses.

If you look closely you'll see it's a real dialysis machine...and is mine!!!! I've nicknamed him Brian. He reminds me of Brian from fame and it has kind of stuck!!!!

Then Michelle, one of the Dialysis Nurses asked me to make a special card for a big birthday, so I made it a pop up box card. It had many items on it, but with some careful thought it came together well. I hope!

I've also been working on some special things but I can't share them with you just yet. I'll post them soon though. I'm also trying to put together some card packs but my mojo has gone a bit. The ideas are there but the rest isn't!!


April said...

Loving the happy birthday box! So creative. I hope all your treatments are going well.
April #68

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Karen, happy WOYWW...lots of fun cards happening there. Bugger that dialysis...sending happy thoughts Hugs RobynO#24

HeARTworks said...

Hi Karen, Welcome back! Those are rather wonderful projects! I love the box with lots of surprises inside! What a fab gift! Happy WOYWW! patsy

glitterandglue said...

Hello Karen. How lovely to see you there on the list today. It' s a long hard road, isn't it? But - let's celebrate - you are here with us all again!! Brilliant.
The card for the staff is just great - and I love Brian!!!
That birthday card is something else. It's great - well done. Not something I have ever made - but seeing them on the sites does tempt me somewhat!!
Taker care. God bless.
Margaret #3

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Karen! Fab to see you back :-). So glad you're ok and still crafting. Brian made me laugh a lot....that's the sort of thing I'd do. Gallows humour, I know, but it helps get you through. That box card is fab, I bet the recipient loved it!
hugs! LLJ 31 xx

Annie said...

Hi Karen. It's good to see you back. Hope there is light at the end of your tunnel on the health front but be assured that we will always be here for you when you are up to joining in the fun.....keep smiling. Really hope Brian looks after you well.
Thanks for calling by at mine yesterday.
Annie x # 32

Twiglet said...

Lovely crafty cards there Karen - good to see you back with us! x Jo